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Employee-Generated Video Guide

employee generated video guide

We’ve created this Employee-Generated Video Guide to help businesses quickly get up to speed on the value of employee-generated video content and learn how they can implement it into their employer branding & communications strategy. This type of content has proved to be super effective for both internal and external marketing campaigns and we love helping our customers create it… 


The future of work has arrived.

It’s now increasingly digital and remote.

And in this evolving environment, businesses of all sizes need systems, tools, and technology that will ensure their employees feel connected, engaged, and supported — wherever they are in the world.

Over the past 7 years at EditMate, we’ve been blown away by the innovative ways companies and organizations have used our software and service to create employee-generated video content.

We’ve helped corporations, non-profits, small businesses, and entrepreneurs use employee-generated footage to produce:

  • employer brand content
  • internal communications
  • shareholder updates
  • training videos
  • recruiting content
  • fundraising videos
  • leadership updates
  • social ads and more!

With the boom in remote work, the need for this type of content has only increased over the last 3 years.

And with the way social media has also evolved, workers now expect to see authentic video content as part of their employee communications.

And so, we thought we’d put together a comprehensive Guide to Employee Generated Video.

Below you’ll find 6 pieces that walk you through:

  • the definition of employee-generated video
  • why it’s valuable
  • how your organization can use it
  • best practices for creating employee-generated videos
  • video examples from our real clients
  • how to showcase authenticity in your employer brand through employee-generated video
  • and much more!

We hope you check out each piece of content and of course, Contact Us if you have questions or need more inspiration to get started on your own employee-generated video series.


Employee Generated Video

employee generated video

Learn exactly what employee-generated video is, why you should create it, and the best way to implement Employee Generated Video as part of your marketing plan.


The Value in Authentic Employee Communications


This piece breaks down why and how businesses can use user-generated video for their HR, Employer Brand, Employee Engagement, and Internal Communications content. 


3 Ways to Upskill Employees with User-Generated Video

upskill employees with video

Read this to learn the value of upskilling employees and 3 types of upskilling content you can create with user-generated video.


5 Ways HR, Employer Brand, and Internal Communications Teams are Using User-Generated Video

user generated video for HR and communications

See how HR, employee communications, and internal communications teams are using user-generated video content to boost employee engagement. This piece also includes tips for getting started with this type of content and real video examples from EditMate customers. 


Employee Spotlight Video Guide and Real Examples

employee spotlight video

Easy-to-follow steps for producing videos that show off your team and business. Learn the benefits, uses, and steps you can take to start planning an impactful employee spotlight video series for your company, and watch real video examples to get inspired. 


Why Authenticity Matters in Employer Branding

employer branding authenticity

Explore why authenticity matters in employer branding and how to build it in your own employer branding efforts using employee-generated video.


We hope our Employee-Generated Video Guide got your wheels turning with creative ways to utilize employee-generated video in your own marketing and communications content.

Contact Us to learn how EditMate can help you get started producing videos today.

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EditMate's professional video editing service, video crowdsourcing tools, and project management platform provide your team with a streamlined system to create videos in a whole new way.