
Terms and Conditions

EditMate LTD terms and conditions for submitted still and moving images.


By using and/or uploading to the EditMate LTD website or mobile app, I (the user and uploader, or the user and uploader’s parent or guardian), acknowledge and give my unreserved permission for all still and moving images taken or recorded by or on behalf of or made available to EditMate LTD (“the Images”) to be:  used in any or all of the promotional and advertising material of EditMate LTD; and/or  provided to any third party, including but not limited to media organisations, government bodies, not-for-profit organisations and EditMate LTD partners, for their use as they see fit including promotions and advertising. The Images may be used in various media formats including online media, social media, video, public displays television and electronic means of communication and in any edited form. I waive any rights and claims, present and future, to any fees or royalties or other benefits whatsoever for or in connection with the use of the Images. If I wish to withdraw permission for Images to be used, I must inform EditMate LTD in writing. I understand that if I withdraw permission for the Images to be used, EditMate LTD will cease any future use of the Images and will use reasonable endeavours to ensure any third party using the Images also ceases to use the Images. I understand that EditMate LTD will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Images are used and managed appropriately by EditMate LTD and any third parties.


I release and indemnify EditMate LTD from and against any actions, claims, liability,  damages, loss or expenses arising directly or indirectly from the Images and their use by EditMate LTD or any third party.


Use of or uploading any Images to the EditMate LTD website or mobile app is my acceptance of these terms and conditions.