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Marketer Monthly: January 2020

Jan 2020

Hey! How has the first month of the ’20s been treating you?

For us, January included a trip to Chicago for a client meeting where we made sure to visit the beautiful Logan Theater, built in 1915!

We saw Jojo Rabbit, a film by our favorite New Zealand filmmaker, Taika Waititi. It was our 2nd favorite film of the season (after Uncut Gems) and our newest favorite film soundtrack.

To kick off the new year, here’s a round up of our favorite marketing gems:

Four marketing leaders who always stay ahead of the trends share what practices should be adopted and which would should be left behind this year.

Our favorite tip: “2020 is the year of personalization and meaningful content. It’s also time to ditch the negative posts and focus on content that’s positive and provides value to specific target markets.”

For Black History Month, Google combined data and video to celebrate some of #TheMostSearched moments and individuals in America.

They used U.S.-based Google Trends Data to identify Black American achievements that were searched more than any others between January 1, 2004 (when U.S. Search Data first became available) and July 1, 2019.

And like any good thing in this world, it includes Beyoncé.

Hyundai’s new Superbowl Campaign is a multi-channel ode to our current home: Boston.

Along with the clever commercial featuring Boston natives John Krasinski and Chris Evans, the wider campaign includes a TikTok challenge, a Twitter takeover on Super Bowl Sunday by Boston comedians Robert Kelly and Tony Viveiros, a letter of appreciation to Boston in The Boston Globe, local radio ads with Rachel Dratch, billboard and social media ads.

We bet it’ll be wicked good.

And in case you missed it: The 7 Best Marketing and Business Tools.


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