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Marketer Monthly: February 2020

MM February_blog

Hey there! How’s February been treating you?

Today, we’re heading to sunny Australia to escape Boston’s winter and work truly remotely — from the outback in Western Australia! ??

In-between planning our trip and working on new fun projects, we put together a round-up of the latest and greatest internet finds for you…

Whether you love or hate “Old Town Road” (we hate it), it’s interesting to know that Lil Nas X’s success wasn’t by accident. 

He used marketing tactics like building an audience before you launch a product, targeting a less competitive market and smart partnerships to become an “overnight success”.

If your 2020 goals have hit a February slump, watch this video.

The productivity system is so simple and obvious, but most people fail to do it. Whether you’re tackling a big project, training a new hire or planning a new marketing campaign — this “system” can help.

If you’ve ever written a blog, there’s a good chance you’ve also stared at a blank screen and thought “I have no idea what to write about.”

Power through that writer’s block with this list from the marketing blog, Ahrefs. It’ll spark new topic and format ideas, no matter what industry you’re in. 

Not in charge of blogging? Share this with the person who is. They’ll thank you later. ?

And in case you missed it: We made a new explainer video for EditMate! Watch it here


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P.S. We may not like the song but we do love these moves.

P.P.S If you liked this post, sign up to the Marketer Monthly List to get it delivered right to your inbox.

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