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Producing Videos From Home Part 1: 6 Types of Videos Brands Can Create

part 1

A lot has changed in a few weeks and if you’re like us, you’re finding creative ways to adapt to this new normal.

It may not be “business as usual” but we all have to learn how to keep working and keep creating content that will attract customers, connect our now remote workforces and keep our brands alive.

Fortunately, we’re all equipped with an incredible technology that can help us power through…

Our phones.

Or more specifically, our phone cameras.

That tiny lens that allows you to capture cute photos of your dog is the same tool that can help you capture content for your marketing strategy.

And in the age of the COVID-19, shooting videos with your phone has now become an easy way to maintain normality and positivity for your staff and reach your brand’s larger community.

So, we’re starting a 3 part series about Producing Video From Home:

The 3 parts will be:

  1. 6 Types of Videos Brands Can Create From Home
  2. Tips for Shooting Videos at Home with Your Phone
  3. Where to Share Your Videos (with ideas for both B2C and B2B brands)

With all traditional video production stalled, think of this as an opportunity to start experimenting with user-generated video.

Your brand’s community — you, customers, employees, brand ambassadors and fans — can film with their mobile phones and you can use the footage to create authentic video content.

So let’s get started!

Here’s Part 1: 6 Types of Videos Your Brand Can Be Creating…


1. Company Announcements

Start with a simple, straightforward video: ask your CEO and Leadership teams to film their internal updates using their mobile phone.

The tone of sensitive information can often get misinterpreted in emails, so use video when you can to add a personal feel.

And be sure to add your logo and text graphics to create a consistent, cohesive look.

2. Customer Engagement

Do you know where most of your customers are right now?

At home.

Probably on their phone.

And while there’s a good chance they’ll see your post and watch your video, it’s important to engage with them in an appropriate way given the current climate.

You’ll have to figure out what’s relevant and true to your specific brand but here are some ideas for ways to engage utilizing user-generated video with your customers:

  • Ask your clients to submit videos of questions that your company can help answer and compile a Q&A Video you can share on social media
  • Run a contest where your customers can share videos explaining how your product is helping them maintain their mental/physical health or work/life balance
  • Ask your customer community to film a video explaining they #1 thing they can’t wait to do once social distancing is over and who they can’t wait to do it with ?

3. Tips & Best Practices for Employees

Working from home may take some getting used to…

Client meetings over Zoom may require a completely different approach than ones over lunch…

In whatever way things are changing, make sure you equip your people with insights that will keep your whole team’s productivity and morale high.

Provide them tips and best practices in short, digestible videos.

Get inspiration from these 23 Essential Tips For Working Remotely.

4. Company News

With world news changing by the day, your company probably is as well.

Keep your workforce, customers, clients and investors informed with video.

They’ll appreciate the candid, personal approach and with everyone social distancing — they’ll be happy to see a familiar face.

5. Brand Ambassadors and Fan Content

If you had a whole fleet of ambassadors and fans repping your brand in January, there’s no reason they can’t be doing the same while at home, using their phone cameras.

Start new campaigns featuring ambassadors sharing how they use your product at home.

And even if your season or event has been cancelled, your die-hard fans still want to engage with your community.

Run contests to get them sharing photos and videos and create a highlight reel of the best submissions.

6. Training

Do you have new employees that haven’t even memorized directions to the office yet and now have to fly solo, working from home?

Use video to help share all the relevant and key information they need to know in a personable, easy to understand way.

Combine screen shares and mobile videos to cut together an “Everything You Need to Know In Your First Month” video that they can easily access.

Create a short video series that includes details of everything they need to know about their new role and make it easy for them to refer back to the videos at any time.


>>?HOT TIP: Confused about how you can collect video clips from both your employees and customers, in a streamlined way, all while working from home? Check out our Uploader.


These 6 ideas are a great way to get started brainstorming videos while working from home.

Next week, we’ll follow up with Part 2: Tips for Shooting Videos at Home with Your Phone.

Lastly, we want to know how we can be genuinely helpful during this time.

Let us know what you’re struggling with when it comes to video marketing by emailing us at rachel@editmate.com or reach out to us on Twitter at @heyeditmate.

We hope to hear from you soon and stay tuned for more! ?

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