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2023 Social Media Holiday Calendar

january 2023 social media holiday calendar

Start planning your social media content for the whole year with our 2023 Social Media Holiday Calendar. This calendar lists a wide range of holidays your business can plan all kinds of content around, including video!  Download it, bookmark it or print it to help you and your team share timely content relevant to your brand. 


As is our tradition, our calendar features stunning photos of our native New Zealand (Fun Fact: EditMate was launched there in 2016) so it can be not only informative but also decorative!

This year, we’ve included individual holidays and their hashtags, special week-long holidays (like Teacher Appreciation Week) and each month has its own theme to help you plan around too, like May’s Mental Health Awareness Month.


Click *HERE* to download the full printable 2023 Social Media Holiday Calendar in PDF form.

Scroll down to preview each month and a comprehensive list of the holidays featured…



January social media holidays

january 2023 social media holiday calendar

January is Financial Wellness Month

January 1: New Year’s Day

January 4: National Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay

January 15: National Hat Day #NationalHatDay

January 15: National Bagel Day #NationalBagelDay

January 17: Ditch Your Resolution Day #DitchYourResolutionDay

January 25: Opposite Day #OppositeDay

Blue Monday: Third Monday of January

Community Manager Appreciation Day #CMAD: Fourth Monday of January


February social media holidays

February 2023 social media holiday calendar

February is Black History Month (US)

February 2: Groundhog Day

February 8: Safer Internet Day

February 9: National Pizza Day #NationalPizzaDay

February 11: International Day of Women and Girls in Science #WomenInScience

February 13: Galentine’s Day

February 14: Valentine’s Day

February 17: #RandomActsOfKindnessDay

February 21: Family Day (Canada, except Quebec)

National Skip the Straw Day: Fourth Friday in February


March social media holidays

march 2023 social media holiday calendar

March is Women’s History Month

March 1: Zero Discrimination Day

March 3: World Wildlife Day #WorldWildlifeDay

March 8: International Women’s Day #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2023

March 14: Pi Day #PiDay

March 18: Global Recycling Day

March 18: World Sleep Day

March 20: International Day of Happiness #InternationalDayofHappiness

March 22: World Water Day #WorldWaterDay #Water2me

March 29: National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility #TransDayofVisibility #TDOV

National Day of Unplugging #DayOfUnplugging: First Friday of March


April social media holidays

april 2023 social media holiday calendar

April is Move More Month

April 1: April Fool’s Day

April 1: Walk to Work Day

April 6: National Carbonara Day

April 7: National Beer Day (US)

April 7: World Health Day

April 10: Siblings’ Day #NationalSiblingsDay

April 11: National Pet Day #NationalPetDay

April 18: Tax Day (US)

April 20: 420

April 22: Earth Day

April 23: World Book Day #WorldBookDay

April 23-30: World Immunization Week

April 28: National Superhero Day

April 29: International Dance Day #InternationalDanceDay


May social media holidays

may 2023 social media holiday calendar

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May 2-6: Teacher Appreciation Week

May 4: Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay, #MayThe4thBeWithYou

May 12: International Nurses Day

May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia

May 18: International Museums Day

May 28: World Hunger Day


June social media holidays

june 2023 social media holiday calendar

June LGBTQ+ Pride Month

June 1: International Children’s Day

June 1: Global Running Day

June 3: World Bicycle Day

June 3: National Donut Day (US) #NationalDonutDay

June 4: National Cheese Day (US)

June 6: Higher Education Day #HigherEducationDay

June 8: Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay

June 8: World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay

June 19: Juneteenth (US)

June 21: World Music Day

June 21: National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay

June 30: Social Media Day #SMDay, #SocialMediaDay


July social media holidays

july 2023 social media holiday calendar

July 3: International Plastic Bag Free Day

July 6: International Kissing Day

July 7: World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay

July 15: Social Media Giving Day

July 15: National Clean Beauty Day (US)

July 17: World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay

July 17: National Ice Cream Day

July 18: World Listening Day

July 30: International Friendship Day


August social media holidays

august 2023 social media holiday calendar

August Black Business Month

August 8: International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay

August 8: National CBD Day

August 12: International Youth Day #YouthDay

August 13: Black Women’s Equal Pay Day #BlackWomensEqualPayDay

August 14: National Financial Awareness Day

August 19: World Photo Day #WorldPhotoDay

August 26: National Dog Day (US) #NationalDogDay


September social media holidays

september 2023 social media holiday calendar

September is National Hispanic Heritage Month (US)

September 12: National Video Games Day #NationalVideoGamesDay

September 18: International Equal Pay Day

September 21: World Alzheimer’s Day

September 30: International Podcast Day #InternationalPodcastDay


October Social Media Holidays

october 2023 social media holiday calendar

October is Black History Month (UK)

October 1: International Coffee Day #InternationalCoffeeDay

October 4-10: World Space Week

October 5: International Teachers Day #WorldTeachersDay

October 10: World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHeathDay

October 10: Indigenous Peoples’ Day

October 11: National Coming Out Day

October 29: National Cat Day (US)


November social media holidays

november 2023 social media holiday calendar

November is Men’s Health Awareness Month (aka “Movember”)

November 8: STEM Day #STEMDay

November 9: Social Media Kindness Day

November 13: World Kindness Day #WKD

November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance

Black Friday: Friday following Thanksgiving Day (US)

Small Business Saturday: Saturday following Thanksgiving Day (US)

Cyber Monday: Monday following Thanksgiving Day (US)

Giving Tuesday: Tuesday following Thanksgiving Day (US)


December social media holidays

december 2023 social media holiday calendar

December is AIDS Awareness Month

December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 4: National Cookie Day

December 24: Christmas Eve

December 25: Christmas Day

December 26: Boxing Day

December 31: New Year’s Eve


Need a hand creating social media videos for these holidays? Contact Us to learn how EditMate can help!

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EditMate's professional video editing service, video crowdsourcing tools, and project management platform provide your team with a streamlined system to create videos in a whole new way.